2,414,348 blocks
1,402,997 validators
ultra wow
What is the ultra sound relay?
The ultra sound relay is a credibly-neutral and permissionless relay—a public good from the team.
What is a credibly-neutral relay?
A credibly-neutral relay only validates blocks against consensus rules as in enshrined proposer-builder separation.
What is enshrined proposer-builder separation?
Enshrined proposer-builder separation (PBS) is an in-consensus PBS without relays, removing relay weak censorship.
What is weak censorship?
Weak censorship is mild transaction censorship which increases on-chain inclusion delay of censored transactions.
How delayed are censored transactions?
Censorship in X% of blocks yields 1/(1-X%) larger average delay. If X% = 80%, delay grows 5x from 12 sec to 1 min.
Anything else?
The relay operators abstain from searching and block building, and commit to self-cap the relay to 1/3 of blocks.